Ciposa facing the pandemic
It is difficult to close this first newsletter without coming back to this pandemic, which has bereaved so many families and disrupted our daily lives.
To preserve the health of its employees and their families, and thanks to their "agile" organization, which was already in place, Ciposa was able to react very early to the corona virus epidemic.
Most of its employees were already prepared to work from home. This working way could be implemented quickly.
The mechanical design and software department, as well as human resources, accounting, sales and management mainly operated in " home office ".
In the production facilities, two-shift teams with a reduced staff, enabled Ciposa to carry on customer’s projects in accordance with federal regulations.
During the confinement period, the different teams held daily meetings using Teams.
Ciposa continued to be active in marketing and communication too, for example by participating in a presentation on 21 April at the VIRTUAL SIAMS.
The confined employees even adopted the practice of taking a small "virtual coffee-break-Zoom" twice a week, which allowed them to keep in regular contact while discussing current topics, as they usually do in their cafeteria.